Repairing suggestions and instructions of Brooks England saddles (the “product/s”) as displayed herein, in writing and/or by drawings, photographs, videos or otherwise, are for illustrative purposes only and therefore do not imply express or implied obligations, of any kind, of Brooks England ltd or of any of its affiliates, directors, officers or authorized dealers.
Users are aware that, during the products warranty period as specified in the user’s manual and in the written warranty enclosed in product’s package, any alteration (including repair or attempted repair) to the product made by anyone other than an authorized dealer, should cause the automatic forfeiture of the product’s warranty.
Repairing suggestions and instructions as displayed herein, are directed to experienced and skilled users only and require use of original spare parts. In case of doubts or problems of any kind, users are invited to contact an authorized dealer of Brooks England products before operating the product.
Brooks England specifically disclaims all implied warranties and representations including (but not limited to) as to the correctness, clarity, sufficiency of the repairing suggestions and instructions as displayed herein, user’s ability to correctly use same and any liability for property damage or personal injury arising from use of such suggestions or instructions, either directly or indirectly, regardless of the legal theory on which such implied warranty may be based, including, without limitation, contract, law or tort.
Any actions or claims based on such repairing suggestions and instructions shall be regulated exclusively by the italian law and shall be brought exclusively before the court of Vicenza (Italy).

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